JOHN 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

40 Days in the Wilderness is an addiction recovery Devotional and Bible Study program designed to be used by Churches, counselors, Church home groups, existing addiction recovery programs and groups, homeless shelters, jail and prison ministries and chaplains, as well as by individuals seeking God’s direction, through scripture, in defeating satan’s bondage of addictions to drugs and alcohol. Each day’s devotional message and accompanying scripture readings can be carried over into additional Bible studies on that day’s topics depending on how much time someone wants to allocate or devote to the program. It is recommended that the program be finished in 40 days to better benefit from each previous day’s message. However, it will be better to finish the devotionals rather than give up because you can’t get it done in forty days. If extending it to a 20 or 40 week program better fits your schedule, there may be a bigger benefit in having a full week to reflect on the day’s reading topic and scripture, and practicing what you’re learning could be a powerfully transforming experience as well. 40 Days in the Wilderness offers you an opportunity to be mentored by someone who has been SAVED and SOBER for 32 years, has facilitated hundreds of addiction recovery meetings in and out of many Churches, has written several books on the subject, and maintains several websites on the subject of addiction recovery in the Church. However, my experience will be futile if you don’t take my suggestions to Jesus in prayer for His confirmation. I suggest that you be as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11 in all that you do in life, to protect yourself from all the deception in the world! The fundamental message in this program is found in Matthew 6:33 (KJV) “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. God won’t mislead you, man most assuredly will whenever you let your guard down! Man has been misleading millions of alcoholics and addicts around the world for decades in and out of addiction recovery programs because of the absence of Jesus Christ in those programs! 40 Days in the Wilderness puts Jesus Christ at the forefront of each day’s devotional!